B.C. contact-tracing app tackles Canadians’ privacy concerns
While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes the argument for Canada to adopt a single app for contact tracing, a B.C.…
Smart manufacturing
Computing and communications technologies promise to bring more efficiency in the manufacturing process through automation...
What is Hybrid Edge Cloud and why it’ll change the way we develop apps?
mimik ( provides a decentralized cloud software platform that can extend central cloud functionality to the edge.
mimik improves H2 Wellness’s profit margins with hybrid edge cloud
H2 Wellness integrated some components of the mimik platform into its latest client development project for ProLon®, the fasting mimicking…
Using mimik Hybrid Edge Cloud with AWS Greengrass
In this whitepaper, we describe how AWS IoT technologies are complementary to mimik’s distributed edge cloud platform.
Microservices & Edge Cloud Computing | Jeremy Hsu
Microservices & Edge Cloud Computing held at the mimik Lounge
mimik wins best new product at CableLabs 2016
Get it here:
mimik edgeEngine FINALLY released! Here’s why developers should be excited!
In this whitepaper, we describe how AWS IoT technologies are complementary to mimik’s distributed edge cloud platform.
Fireside chat in the mimik Lounge
In this whitepaper, we describe how AWS IoT technologies are complementary to mimik’s distributed edge cloud platform.
H2 Wellness Partners with mimik for Health and Wellness Cloud Services
H2 Wellness integrated some components of the mimik platform into its latest client development project for ProLon®, the fasting mimicking…
mimik technology Joins Lime Microsystems’ Software-Defined Radio Ecosystem
mimik technology inc. today announced it has joined LimeNet, Lime Microsystems’ ecosystem of hardware and software providers developing software-defined radio…
mimik and 3BLACKDOT partner to create new gaming experiences
Decentralized cloud enables fast, hyper-local gaming across all computing devices Vancouver, Canada, November 8, 2018 —Today, mimik technology inc. announced that…
mimik Unleashes the Server Power of Edge Devices
Vancouver-based mimik technology released its edge cloud platform and edge software development kit (edgeSDK) that minimize the need for cloud…